Kelly called kill

Mi foto
There's a Light that never goes out!

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

♥Clementine & Joel first meet :)

(Nada que ver con el texto :D )


-I'm sorry?

- I just said hi.

- Hi. Hello. Hi.

-Okay if I sit closer?

-How far are you going?

-Uh, Rockville Center.-

Get out! Me too!


-What are the odds? Do I know you? Do you ever shop at Barnes & Noble?

-Sure. Sure.

-That's it!


I've seen you, man!

-Book slave there for, like, five years now.

-Ah. I would have thought I would've remembered you.Jesus! Is it five years?

-It might be the hair.

-What might?

-It changes a lot...The color.That's why you might not recognize me.It's called Blue Ruin, the color.

-Right. Yeah.

-Snappy name, huh?

-I like it.

-Anyway, this company makes a whole line of colors with equally snappy names. Red... Red Menace, Yellow Fever, Green Revolution.That'd be a job, coming up with those names.

-You think there could possibly be a job like that? I mean, how many hair colors could there be? Fifty, maybe.

-Someone's got that job.Agent Orange! I came up with that one. I apply my personality in a paste.

-Oh, I doubt that very much.

-Well, you don't know me, don't know, do you?

-Sorry. I was just...I'm trying to be nice.

-Yeah. I got it. My name's Clementine, by the way.

-I'm Joel.

-Hi, Joel. Hey no jokes about my name. Oh, no, you wouldn't do that.You're trying to be nice

-I don't know any jokes about your name.

-Huckleberry Hound.

-I don't know what that means.

-Huckleberry Hound? What are you, nuts?

-It's been suggested.

-Oh, my darlin', oh, my darlin' Oh, my darlin' Clementine. You were lost and gone forever dreadful sorry Clementine


-I'm sorry. Just... It's a pretty name, though. It really is nice.It's, uh...It means "merciful."Right? Clemency?

-Although it hardly fits.I'm a vindictive little bitch, truth be told.


-I wouldn't think that about you.

-Why wouldn't you think that about me?

-I don't know.I just...I don't know. I just, uh...You seem nice, so...

-Oh, now I'm nice? Oh, God. Don't you know any other adjectives? I don't need "nice." I don't need myself to be it, and I don't need anybody else to be it at me.


-Joel?, It's Joel, right?


-I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm a little out of sorts today.My embarrassing admission is, I really like that you're nice right now. I mean, I can't tell from one moment to the nextwhat I'm gonna like, but right now...I'm glad you are.

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