Im back n_n okey very quickly... i been this time having fuun n_n with my lovely& pretty and the most sweetest expressions to my boyfriend :D on parties or something like that! everywhere with him is really fun :D! jajaj hes complity crazy and i LOVE it of him he's perfect and the M O S T important cualitty is... HE'S A SKATER BOY! yeeeeey! really good omg im a lucky girl *O*! jaja, well, i been study too! im in the last test on the school so study so so hard :P! maybe not too much cuase im thinking everyday and every moment on my BF u.u im in love ♥ , the summer coming so so soon its really near right now! its amazing *-* love the summer and Christmas! omg *-*! . Also i been in other stage of my life! new beautifull people around me make me feel so happy, school is make me craaaaaazy! too much work! but on 1 or 2 weeks im freeeeee for that! thats mean so fucking much Funnies partyss! all night long with my friends & BoyF! days more longers is perfect to me ♥! ... recently.. well moments ago i have been watching some blogs and is aaaaaaalways the same fake people that try to copy me! jajaja gruppies :3 i gonna say that to my friends! and is gonna be faith! (?) maybe not. I guess! ajajaj anyways! hards moments! so bussy... without time! and spend aaall over my time on love & friends (family incluing) cause that's all i need right now! ... Electro clothes! and summers fashions styles! IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, common' its XXI century honey!
¡ Viva La Vida ! .. at coldplay style!
Click to enlarge if you want n____n!
wn que me haci leer en inglés, pero lo lei rapidito nomas porque me dió paja:B y es chori la navidad*-* pero me gusta mas el año nuevo, fuegos artificiales y wea:B y ya po:) te amo amiga enferma del ala:B (L) aaay y tus fotos*-* hermosas:D